Saturday, October 24, 2009

Future Vision for Hillsdale County

Participants were asked to brainstorm at least 10 things that they what like to see changed or different about Hillsdale County in next 20 years. Also, each group was asked to identify the top three issues from each their lists.

(Note: an '*' symbolizes the number of votes each statement received)

- Attitude change **
- Downtown functioning well **
- Schools working together *
- Consolidation in government **
- Strong regional economic development *
- County public transportation **
- Expansion of hospital ***
- Locally owned companies
- People choosing Hillsdale County
- Still have our rural character **

- Good road system ****
- Countywide public transit **
- Vocational training **
- Countywide recreation system **
- Expanded non-motorized trail system
- Improved high school education *
- Small diversified industry *
- Youth activities and opportunities
- Preserved rural character **
- Intergovernmental and school cooperation

- Expanded senior services *
- Utilize seniors for employment *
- Consolidated school services ***
- Advanced communications **
- Countywide transportation system ***
- Alternative energy **
- Arts and craft
- Expansion of Hillsdale College
- County wide bike trails *
- Rural identity preserved ***

- Extend US-127 from Jackson to I-80 as a limited access highway ****
- Extend high speed rail from Detroit to Chicago with some kind of connection to Hillsdale County
- Renewable energy
- Attractions for the creative class *
- Age diversity
- Hillsdale college more connected with Hillsdale County as a cultural/recreational attraction *
- Intergovernmental cooperation (communities and schools) ****
- Fully employed population *
- Preserve rural environment including clean air/water **
- Preservation of natural resources ****
- Center for regional agriculture in tri-state region
- Citizens knowledgeable of advantages of clean/healthy environment
- 100% literacy *

- More progressive in our thinking **
- Act and behave more cooperatively *
- Full or close to full employment **
- Universal healthcare *
- School system consolidation *
- Countywide technology (internet, etc) **
- Home and school working together *
- Quality of life – more or better opportunities *
- Integration of new and old (preserve the old and blend in the new)
- More positive attitudes, accepting of change ****
- More influence from faith related institutions
- Self sustaining community (economically and socially) *

- Advance transportation – high speed rail (passenger and freight) *******
- Strong economic development adequately funded and supported with clearly defined responsibilities ******
- Leader in Ag economy ***
- Full utilization of IT’
- 85% of high school grads will attend and graduate from a college or university and return
- Community center **
- Regional Trails
- More diversified work force **
- 4 K-12 school districts and 4 K-6 districts ****
- Continue to implement smart growth

- Government is limited and governs by constitutional law ***
- Standing room only in churches and township meetings *
- Improved schools ***
- Growing economy with plenty of jobs
- Better roads **
- More fairness and human integrity ***
- Healthy happy family still in Hillsdale County and still Americans **
- Respect for heritage *
- Vibrant recreational activities

- Good water quality and clean air
- Vibrant communities (with lots of community events) ***
- Preservation of farmland and green spaces ****
- Activities for youth and children
- Increased tourism
- Well maintained neighborhoods and pride in community
- Diversified base of employment **
- Be a center for arts, artists and cultural activities
- Improved infrastructure, particularly street roads

- No food banks or hunger *
- Full employment with diversified employment base **
- Consolidated schools **
- Improved parks and family recreation
- Roads
- Less government – limited
- Fully restored and occupied downtown ****
- Sustained farms and farmers ***
- Many events/venues (restaurants and movie houses) with a full community calendar **
- Bigger badder fair ***


  1. What is the significance of the *'s behind each point.

  2. Dear Sandra,
    The "8" stands for the number of votes each one of the issues received.
    Participants in the break out sessions were organized into groups of 5-6 people each. Each groups came up with a wish list for a 20 year time period. After that each person within their groups was given three votes - they could vote for three issues from the list they was most important to them. This way, each group was able to identify the top three things that they would like to see changed/improved in the County over the next 20 years. The consolidated list of the top three priorities from each group can be read under the Blog Title “Changes desired in Hillsdale County”.

  3. Sooo . . . the next step is discussion and communication. This blog is a start.

    I see many of the groups have similar desires, thought stated a little differently. This is a good thing. I think it means that everyone is trying to get on the same page.

    Maybe the next step might be to set up a priority plan, remember that plans are just that a PLAN, not necessary set in stone, giving us as a community the ability to adjust to change and need as we go along.
